Awards Finalists
SOPA Announces 2022 Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists and Winners!
1. Excellence in Reporting on Women’s Issues (卓越女性議題報道獎)
Award for Excellence: 1843 Magazine, The Economist and The Fuller Project, She was trafficked into a giant brothel. Now she runs it
Honorable Mention: The Wall Street Journal, ‘Burn Your Jerseys’
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Risking Death For a Shot at Life
Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, A Woman’s Quest for Motherhood. A Cross-Border Trade in Babies
Honorable Mention: Azattyk, RFE/RL’s Kyrgyz Service, The Sinister Side Of Kyrgyzstan's Online Sex Industry
Finalist: Article 14, The Silent Pandemic Of Violence Against India’s Women
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 和 NGOCN聲音計畫 Initium Media and NGOCN, 黃雪琴:「哪有記者不發聲」/Huang Xueqin:'There are no reporters who don't speak up'
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao, 廿年女權發展恐盡喪 阿富汗女性續打未完的仗 / As 20 year-long female rights efforts might become in vain, Afghan women continue their unfinished fights
Finalist: 联合早报 Lianhe Zaobao, 非猎奇非风月- 聆听性工作者的故事 / Sex workers and their stories - listen without judging or ogling
2. Excellence in Journalistic Innovation (卓越新聞報道創新獎)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, How China Spreads Propaganda
Honorable Mention: CNN International, The truthtellers: China created a story of the pandemic. These people revealed details Beijing left out
Finalist: Reuters, Sand Slipping Away
Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 不能遺忘的 49 條生命——重建0402太魯閣號事故 /
Why the Taroka Express crashed
Honorable Mention: 關鍵評論網 The News Lens, 2021 日本大選看關鍵:自民黨國會過半,岸田時代急展開 / Everything you need to know about Japan’s general election
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 交友x PUA x 假投資 : 分解「沉浸式詐騙」手法,你需要的4個反制手段 / Four Ways to Crack an ‘Immersive’ Scam.
3. Excellence in Audio Reporting (卓越音頻報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Project Brazen, Fat Leonard
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, Foundering: The TikTok Story
Finalist: The Economist, Sights and sounds of reporting on the ground in China
Award for Excellence: CNA, Educate or Regulate: The Alarming Rise of Cryptocurrency Scams
Honorable Mention: BFM Media, Because Feelings Matter
Finalist: CNA, Voices at COP26 in Glasgow: A collision of passion and pragmatism? (The Climate Conversations podcast)
Award for Excellence: 關鍵評論網 The News Lens, 台灣也有「疫苗猶豫者」!他們有不打疫苗的自由嗎? / Vaccine doubters in Taiwan: Do they have the freedom to refuse getting vaccinated?
Honorable Mention: Sustainable Asia, 聽見海底的聲音 / Asia's Noisy Oceans
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 在中國求真相:從天安門廣場到武漢COVID-19爆發現場,兩世代記者如何以鏡頭為中國人民作證 / Chasing Truth in Wuhan and Tiananmen Square, China :Testimonies from Journalists of Two Generations
4. Excellence in Video Reporting (卓越視頻報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, A Tanker and a Maze of Companies: One Way Illicit Oil Reaches North Korea
Honorable Mention: BBC News Online, The 'unknown' Covid-19 deaths in rural India
Finalist: CNN International, Lost Children of Xinjiang
Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Revealed: How Floods Turned a Chinese Subway Into a Death Trap
Honorable Mention: Sixth Tone, 'Please, Find My Husband'
Finalist: ABS-CBN News, Pegasus Project: Hacking of Journalists, Politicians, and Human Rights Activists
Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 廢土流浪記 / On the trail of abandoned dirt
Honorable Mention: 澎湃新闻网 The Paper, 一个自闭症孩子对母亲爱的告白 / Love From Chaos: How I Learned to Accept My Son’s Autism
Finalist: 美國之音中文部 Voice of America, 心碎太平洋:中國漁船,捕光我們的魚,污染我們的家 / Threats to the Galápagos Islands: China's Overfishing and Plastic Pollution
5. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (卓越人權報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Financial Times, The digital detectives searching for North Korea’s disappeared
Honorable Mention: Al Jazeera, This is Myanmar's State of Fear
Finalist: THE Associated Press, Disappearances, Terror and Torture in Myanmar
Award for Excellence: Myanmar Now, Human responses to the junta's cruelty
Honorable Mention: Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Digital Sex Crimes in Asia
Finalist: Fifty Two, The Testimony
Award for Excellence: 明報 Ming Pao, 不一樣的六四 / A Different June 4
Honorable Mention: 聯合報 United Daily News, 《國境擱淺者》系列專題 / Stranded Between Borders
Finalist: 歪脑 | WHYNOT, 我时日不多,不能陪你走到六四呀——香港,国安法时代后的首个六四 / The First June Fourth in Hong Kong Under the National Security Law
6. Excellence in Feature Writing (卓越專題特寫獎)
Award for Excellence: 1843 Magazine, The Economist and The Fuller Project, She was trafficked into a giant brothel. Now she runs it
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, The Chinese Dream, Denied
Finalist: Reuters, The Final Battle
Award for Excellence: GMA News Online, The Hunger Pandemic
Honorable Mention: The Japan Times, In search of Japan’s lost wolves
Finalist: New Naratif, Her Name Is Untac: UN Peacekeepers’ Forgotten Children in Cambodia
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 在罪與罰背後架起對話橋梁──洪當興家暴殺人案中,孩子的聲音與人性面貌 / The Hung Dang-Xing Case: Taiwan’s First Death Penalty Trial Involving Children’s Voices
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 「我沒有強姦女同學」- 79歲教師46年申訴路/
‘I didn’t rape any schoolgirl’: a 79-year-old teacher who was sentenced 46 years ago
Finalist: 多維新聞 Duowei News, 《新冠肺炎疫情一周年:365天后重返武漢》/ Looking Back on Wuhan: Year One of the COVID-19 Pandemic
7. Excellence in Technology Reporting (卓越科技報道獎)
Award for Excellence: 1843 Magazine, The Economist, The strange case of WhatsApp and the child-kidnappers
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Myanmar Goes Dark
Finalist: Nikkei Asia, Chips In The Supply Chain
Award for Excellence: Rest of World, The gig economy keeps growing, but the algorithm isn't benefitting everyone
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Junta steps up phone, internet surveillance
Finalist: Sixth Tone, As China Pursues a Green Future, Bitcoin Miners Feel the Squeeze
Award for Excellence: 腾讯新闻 Tencent News, 穿越废墟:共享单车剧未终 / Across the Ruins: The Bicycle Sharing Drama Has Not Ended
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 健康碼一週年:被保護的和被囚禁的/One Year of Health Code: the Protected and the Imprisoned
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 紅色兵團攻破台灣隱形冠軍 / Largan overtaken: How Chinese makers surpassed Taiwan’s hidden champion
8. Excellence in Magazine Design (卓越雜誌設計獎)
Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 永續幸福 / Sustainable well-being for future generations
Honorable Mention: This Week In Asia, Dangerous target
Finalist: 彭博商業周刊/中文版 Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition, 舊城新規劃 / Old Town with Brand New Urban Planning
9. Excellence in Arts & Culture Reporting (卓越藝術及文化報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Economist, India's touring cinemas are dying, and being reborn
Honorable Mention: South China Morning Post, Hong Kong idols
Finalist: WSJ.Magazine, Indonesia, More Majestic Than Ever by Boat
Award for Excellence: VICE Asia, Reporting on pop culture in Asia
Honorable Mention: The World of Chinese, Upstaged: Saving China's Vanishing Grassroots Operas
Finalist: Sixth Tone, The Mysterious Ancient City That’s Rewriting Chinese History
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 明哥、阿詩、MLA:香港違禁歌手,和他們的中國粉絲/Anthony, Denise, MLA: Hong Kong banned singers, and their Chinese fans
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 京戲,何夕──伶人劇人的戲夢與人生 / Dream and Life: Peking Opera In Taiwan
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 你好/再見:香港崩壞時的獨立書店新浪潮/Hello or Goodbye: New Wave of Independent Bookstore in Hong Kong in the Age of National Security Law
10. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting (卓越解釋性報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Inside China's Corporate Crackdown
Honorable Mention: The Atlantic, The Reengineering of Hong Kong
Finalist: Financial Times, China’s control revolution
Award for Excellence: GMA News Online, Boys Don't Cry
Honorable Mention: Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, The Shrinking Gods of Padre Faura
Finalist: The World of Chinese, Dawn of the Debt: The Chinese Consumers Living on a Borrowed Future
Award for Excellence: 明報 Ming Pao, 國安法一周年系列報道 / National Security Law: Year One
Honorable Mention: 歪脑 | WHYNOT, 在愿景与现实之间:中国防治艾滋病的缺口 / Between Vision and Reality: the Gap in China’s Fight Against HIV
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 這一次,怎麼救台鐵? / How to save Taiwan Railway?
11. Excellence in Business Reporting (卓越經濟報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Reuters, The Amazon Files
Honorable Mention: Reuters, China's Crackdown
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, The Fall of Jack Ma and Ant Group
Award for Excellence: Rest of World, How Asia’s supply chain kept churning
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, The cost of the coup
Finalist: Sixth Tone, The Shady Labor Practices Underpinning Shein’s Global Fashion Empire
Award for Excellence: 信報財經月刊 Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, 內捲化失創新動力 / China's 'Involuted' Generation
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 從盜伐到買賣──圍繞千年神木的罪行與交易 / From Tree Poachers to Underground Trade: An Investigation of Illegal Logging Industry Chain in Taiwan
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 台積電翻轉鐵鏽之城 / How TSMC may change Taiwan’s ‘Rust Belt City’
12. Excellence in Infographics (卓越數據圖像獎)
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg News, How China’s Influence Is Reshaping the Landscape of Hong Kong
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Bats and the Origin of Outbreaks
Finalist: Reuters, Chaos in Kabul
Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 最危險的海峽:共機為何轉向台灣西南角? / The Direst Straits: Why Has the Chinese Military Increased Activity Near Taiwan?
Honorable Mention: 關鍵評論網 The News Lens, 冰與油之歌:北極航線、漁業與能源爭奪戰 / A song of ice and oil: The 21st Century Arctic Battle
Finalist: 關鍵評論網 The News Lens, 福島核災十年了,輻射污染善後工作還要多久才能完結 / Fukushima 10 years on
13. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News (卓越突發新聞獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, ‘Saigon on Steroids'
Honorable Mention: Sixth Tone, Zhengzhou Floods
Finalist: The New York Times, The Fall of Afghanistan
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, COVID-19風暴的醫療倫理撞擊 / Medical ethics shock: Under the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 最後一夜,像有雙手捂著你嘴巴:記者、讀者、賣報人告別《蘋果》/ 'Like a hand over your mouth' : Journalists, readers and newspaper sellers saying goodbye to Apple Daily
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 一小時201.9毫米,暴雨落在河南/201.9 mm per hour, Torrential rain pounds Henan
14. Excellence in Opinion Writing (卓越評論獎)
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg News, Evergrande
Honorable Mention: Nikkei Asia, Regionalization of Asia
Finalist: The Economist, The Economist's Chaguan column
Award for Excellence: New Naratif, Shanmugam’s Stealth Coup in Singapore
Honorable Mention: VICE Asia, Exploring the China-US relationship
Finalist: Frontier Myanmar, Myanmar politics must be remade, not restored
Award for Excellence: 灼見名家 Master-Insight.Com, 談首宗《國安法》案件控方專家報告系列 / A commentary series on the prosecution expert report of the first 'National Security Law' case
Honorable Mention: 澎湃新闻网 The Paper, 自愿接种" 原则不可废 / The principle of 'voluntary vaccination' cannot be abolished
Finalist: 香港 01 HK01, 財政預算案2021|香港需要怎樣的財政司司長? / Budget 2021: The Financial Secretary We Need
15. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment (卓越環境報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Reuters, The Recycling Myth
Honorable Mention: The Associated Press, Great Wall of Lights
Finalist: Bloomberg News, China's Polluters Outdo Entire Nations
Award for Excellence: The Environmental Reporting Collective, Oceans Inc.
Honorable Mention: Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Poultry Plants, Dead Rivers
Finalist: Sixth Tone, Across China, Species on the Brink
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 山頭上的掠奪:揭露全台原住民保留地流失亂象 ──溫泉、露營區背後,不正義的歷史為何一再重演? / Plundering the Mountains: How Did Taiwan’s Aboriginal Reserves Come to Be Bought Out?
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 從盜伐到買賣──圍繞千年神木的罪行與交易 / From Tree Poachers to
Underground Trade: An Investigation of Illegal Logging Industry Chain in Taiwan
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 去煤的未來系列 / The Future of Coal Exit?
16. Excellence in Photography (卓越攝影獎)
Award for Excellence: Los Angeles Times, The Fall of Afghanistan
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, Myanmar
Finalist: Reuters, Return of the Taliban
Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, The evolution of Myanmar’s Spring Revolution
Honorable Mention: GMA News Online, The Hunger Pandemic
Finalist: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Eerie landscape
Award for Excellence: 明報 Ming Pao, 香港運動員刺出東奧首金 / Team Hong Kong fencing for the first Gold
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 在疫情中奮求希望 / Striving for Light in COVID-19
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 香港工人列傳/Hong Kong Worker Legend
17. The Scoop Award (獨家新聞獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Inside China’s Tech Crackdown
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, Chinese Hypersonic Weapon Test
Finalist: Reuters, BGI and Baby Biocode
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 台灣疫情8天失守關鍵──獨家披露科學防疫的缺口 / Critical 8 Days of Taiwan's COVID-19 Outbreak
Honorable Mention: 香港01 HK01, 內房危機:獨家追查許家印抵押私產還債 / Evergrande Hui Ka Yan's Private Properties Investigation
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 台積電翻轉鐵鏽之城 / How TSMC may change Taiwan’s ‘Rust Belt City’
18. Carlos Tejada Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting (卓越調查報道獎)
Award for Excellence: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, The Washington Post, The Sunday Times of Sri Lanka and other partners in Asia, Pandora Papers
Honorable Mention: The Washington Post, How Myanmar's Military Crushed a Resistance
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Science Undone
Award for Excellence: The Environmental Reporting Collective, Oceans Inc.
Honorable Mention: Ozodlik, RFE/RL’s Uzbek Service, The Uzbek President’s Secret Mountain Hideaway
Finalist: Radio Free Asia, Overseas Property of Cambodia’s Elite
Award for Excellence: 今周刊 Business Today, 中資狼爪伸進台灣護國群山 / Silent Invasion: How did China wage economic warfare against Taiwan's tech sector?
Honorable Mention: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media, 臉被偷走之後:無法可管的 數位性暴力?台灣Deepfake 事件獨家調查 / The Stolen Faces: The Unmanageable Cyber Gender-based Violence
Finalist: 報導者The Reporter, 血淚漁場三部曲──未竟的遠洋治理:從非法魚翅、強迫勞動到觀察員之死 / Sea of Tears: Taiwan's Unfinished Governance of High Seas Fisheries
19. SOPA Award for Young Journalists (亞洲出版業協會最佳新人記者大獎)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, Vivian Wang
Finalist: 眾新聞 Citizen News, 鄭靖而 Cheng Ching Yi
Finalist: Sixth Tone, Yuan Ye
20. SOPA Award for Public Service Journalism (亞洲出版業協會公共服務新聞大獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Of Unknown Origin
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 香港傳媒變局系列/Hong Kong's Media Landscape Reshaped
Finalist: 歪脑 | WHYNOT, 抢救断层的十年中国女权运动史 / Preserving the Erased Decade of the Chinese Feminist Movement
* Combined Global/Regional category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)
** Combined Global/Regional/Chinese category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)
NOTE: This list is based on the titles of entries as submitted. Due to system limitations, the above links lead to just one story in each entry, even for entries that consisted of a package of related stories. The judges took into consideration the entire package of stories in making their decisions.
Please be reminded that any articles on this list used for promotional purposes at any time should, wherever possible, display the SOPA 2022 Awards logo and include a link to, thank you.